ENECA, NVO Nexus Vrnje, Ministarstvo za ekonmsku saranjdu i razvoj Nemačke BMZ, Letter Day Saints
Ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj Nemačke, Američka dobrotvorna organizacija Latter Day Saints, Eneca, Care International i NVO Nexus Vranje
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Ujedinjene nacije za projektne usluge UNOPS, Danish refugee council, HELP- Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Beograd, Food and Agriculture organization of the UN, Austrian development agency, World Bank group, ASB, Eneca, Vizija
Danish Refugee Council, HELP- Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Beograd, UNOPS, Austrian Development Agency, World Bank Group, Eneca, Vizija
Eneca Niš, HELP - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Beograd, Danish Refugee council, World bank goup, Austrian Development agency, Vizija Kragujevac